Tag Archives: Algonquin Library

Jim Green The Wandering Endorphin Plays Algonquin Library

Jim Green commonly known as The Wandering Endorphin delighted crowds recently at the Algonquin Library. His distinct style of playing includes strumming, plucking, picking and percussion which he calls percussive guitar. Jim hammers the guitar strings like piano wires and Jim uses the entire guitar neck and all sides of the body. Visit Jim’s website  to view free lessons and learn how to play his style.

I when I asked Jim what he loved about playing music, he said Michael Hedges summed it up best with “Because I can dream out loud.”

Growing up in Sauk Village, Jim quit his day job and moved to Chicago to launch his music career. Beginning with open mike nights he later became a Chicago street musician. He can also be found writing digital piano reviews in his free time. His travels led Jim to Israel for 10 months where he lived, played and wrote music in Tele Aviv. Jim is heading back to Israel for four more months.

Jim Green the Wandering Endorphin plays guitar and harmonica

Jim Green the Wandering Endorphin plays guitar and harmonica

At Jim’s performances delighted the audience, both children and adults, with his engaging style. This show included singing, guitar, harmonica and a Native American Love flute. Jim still plays his first guitar, an Aspen, at his gigs and a Martin guitar for studio recording.

The playlist included mostly original tunes inspired by the outdoors, wind, sunset, beaches and fireflies. Several songs included train sounds. Jim played a beautiful cover of Don McLean’sVincent” inspired by Vincent Van Gogh‘s famous painting “Starry, Starry Night“. The show ended with the lively Endorphin Jig.

Follow Jim Green’s Wandering Endorphin Facebook page for news about upcoming shows and music.

Jim Green the Wandering Endorphin plays percussive guitar

Jim Green the Wandering Endorphin plays percussive guitar

Knights of the Realm at the Algonquin Public Library

Algonquin Library Midsummer Knight’s Reading Program

Today begins the Algonquin Public Library summer reading program. Midsummer Knight’s Read is a midevil themed reading event for youngsters and adults. The kickoff included a visit from two Knights of the realm which delighted the children. Their show included sword skill and feats of bravery.

Virginia Freyre, Adult Reference Librarian and Alicia Parmele, Head of Youth Services were decked out in appropriate midevil attire for the program. The entrance to the youth library was transformed into a castle.

Knights of the Realm at the Algonquin Public Library

Knights of the Realm at the Algonquin Public Library

“Our kickoff to the summer reading program event is designed to get kids into the library,” Parmele said. “We encourage them to join our reading program and enjoy reading over the summer.”

The reading program runs from June 11 through August 8, 2011. Weekly and grand prize winners will receive prizes.

Follow the Algonquin Library on Facebook.

Algonquin Library Hosts Jacobs High School Student Artwork

The Algonquin Library is the site of the Jacobs High School Art show May 3 – 18, 2011. Algonquin area Freshman to Senior students as well as those in Advanced Placement Art classes recently displayed their art projects at Spring Hill Mall in West Dundee. This morning, students and art teachers moved the artwork to the Algonquin Library for the 8th annual student show.

Young Adult Librarian Claire Ritz organized the show and told us, “The artwork displayed includes drawings, paintings, general art, 2D, photography, ceramics, jewelery and computer designed art. Each year we choose a Staff Pick piece and the student wins an award. This year we also have a People Choice award. The winning artist will receive a gift from the library. Last year several works on display were even sold.”


AP art student Kristen Schlosser sets up the art show display at the Algonquin Library

AP art teacher Tisha Ellis and ceramics teacher Bjana Lune were on hand to help students set up the 300-400 pieces on  display.

“As part of their course work, Advanced Placement Art class students are required to  complete projects like organizing and setting up the art show,” Ms. Ellis said.

Art was posted on temporary display boards and in display cases throughout both levels of the Algonquin Main library.

AP student Ricardo Cienfuegos was setting up works from Ceramics 1 and 2 art classes in display cases throughout the library. He explained. “These are some that were done throughout the year. We are helping set these up, from jewelry, all the way to bigger sculptures, down to even more three dimensional pieces in which students incorporate stuff from other own lives, to even really big sculptures.

We talked to several students about their artwork.

“This work is inspired by the artwork  from Crusades I have seen and interesting stories I have read,” said AP student Jack Beatty as he showed us his pen drawings. “I read both sides, the Muslim and Christian sides, and found they were both thinking the same things underneath it all.”

Other students installing artwork were Jen Rood, Angela Wyant, Kristen Schlosser and Amber Maag. Visit the art exhibit at the Algonquin Library and vote for your favorite piece.

Click on the picture below to watch this episode of “Where Are You Today?” as we visit to the Algonquin Public library where you can see more Jacobs student artwork.