Tag Archives: AZ

Mile High Ghost Town Jerome Arizona

This week, April M. Williams and the crew of “Where Are You Today?” go back in time to visit Jerome, Arizona. Once a thriving mining town, Jerome is now home to an artist’s colony nestled amongst the relics of days gone by.

On our trip from the Grand Canyon to Phoenix, we stopped by Jerome, Arizona. The mines closed long ago and the town was but a ghost town. For most areas in this predicament, the story would end here as the earth reclaimed the buildings crumbling down the hillsides it was built on.

Not in Jerome. Artists found this quite town near Sedona perfect for living and working. Small shops opened to showcase their works. When tourists driving through the winding turns on Route 89A pulled over to shop, cafes and restaurants opened catering to their needs. Soon visitors found bed and breakfasts sprouting out of newly renovated homes.

A local craftsman creates custom sundials and sells them in town. Did you know they will only be accurate if they are designed for the exact location they will be used?

We had lunch at the Mile High Grill & Inn. Arriving at midday, the restaurant was not crowded. We dined near a large window which lit up the large room. The staff was friendly and helpful.

Mile HIgh Grill Jerome AZ

I had a vegetarian sandwich called Greg’s Aria which was roasted red pepper, pesto, red pepper aioli, and mozzarella on ciabatta bread. I choose tater tots over french fries.

Wondering what else we found in Jerome? Click on the image below to see this episode of “Where Are You Today?”

Mile High Grill & Inn on Urbanspoon