In this episode of “Where Are You Today?“, we are in Hutto, Texas. The Hutto Chamber of Commerce states the town grew from 630 residents in 1990 to over 20,000 current residents. Just outside Round Rock, Texas the home of Dell Computer is this friendly. small town known for hippos. It is the only school with a hippo for a mascot. Stop by to see “Henrietta” the hippo on East Street. While driving through town, you will see hippos in a rainbow of colors and different sizes in front of businesses and homes.
Henrietta Hippo and friends in Hutto, Texas
I spoke to Tom Britton, President of the Hutto area Chamber of Commerce. Listen in as he tells us the hippo legend. You can follow the Chamber on Twitter @huttochamber.
If you are in the area, stop by to say hello to Tom at the Hutto Area Chamber Of Commerce. They are located at 122 East St, Hutto, TX 78634. They have a pot of coffee and a warm smile waiting for you.
Where are you today? Click on the image below to view this episode of “Where Are You Today?” as we visit Hutto, Texas.
I just got a tweet from my buddy the Travelocity Roaming Gnome who said “@AprilMWilliams: Let’s have a peek at the photos! I can only imagine I look stunningly handsome.”
Well of course the Roaming Gnome is handsome and dashing. And I have photos to prove it.
While I posted the photos on my Twitter feed and often use this photo in my presentations as an excellent example of building relationships with customers, I did not post the photo to my blog. So I am fixing this today.
On a recent trip to Hawaii Nathan Kam @NathanKam let us in on a inside scoop. We took advantage of this photo op during the gnome’s busy and adventure packed visit to Hawaii. We snapped this shot at Duke’s Waikiki Restaurant & Barefoot Bar at the Outrigger Hotel Waikiki. He has a bit of a tan from all the surfing he did the day before. Fortunately, he was slathered in maximum sun screen protection.
Here’s the Roaming Gnome and I enjoying breakfast overlooking Waikiki Beach. Aloha!
Travelocity Roaming Gnome and April M. Williams at Duke’s in Waikiki Honolulu Hawaii
Tiki’s Grill and Bar has one of the best locations in Waikiki. With a vast view of Waikiki Beach and the Pacific Ocean, this a favorite spot for locals to meet for cocktails and dinner while catching a beautiful sunset.
Tiki’s Waikiki Tweep up Alexis Williams, Kyle E. Williams, Vernon Brown, Aloha Bruce, Carson P. Williams
Just a few weeks ago we were hanging out with friends at Tiki‘s in Waikiki. There was a Twitter organized meet up with Chris Pirillo tech writer for CNN, the night after we got into town. For us, it was a great way to visit with many of our new and old friends at one time. We ended up leaving the party early as we were still on Chicago time. I barely stayed awake till 8:30 there which is 5 hours later on Chicago time. I’m not often awake at 1:30AM.
You can watch video and read moreon this Tiki’s event and other interesting friends.
I ran across one of the photos today of a few of our favorite tweeple. Check out these dudes having a fun time!